What is Creativity?

Why is it important to work that creativity muscle? 

Well, let’s begin by understanding what this word means in its basic form. 

The dictionary explains “creativity” as a noun:

“the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination.” 

With that in mind, creativity applies to everyone. It can be used for any task, any job, any role and beyond. It is not simply being artistic, which is the most common connection made when discussing someone who is “creative.”  

Just to showcase the difference, “artistic” defined as an adjective:

“of, like, or thought of as characteristic of an artist.” 

Therefore, creativity can be artistic, but this aspect of our lives doesn’t end there. Creativity is one of the most valuable skills in the workforce today. An article on LinkedIN entitled “Why Creativity is the Most Important Skill in the World” - and it explains how finding new solutions is the most sought after result from new members to their teams. 

Thinking outside the box, having an open mind, and a solutions-oriented focus all result from working creatively. This skill tends to produce the most efficient, and effective, results, moving companies forward to providing better products and services.

Therefore, the questions we need to focus on asking ourselves is:

How do we ensure that we are working our creative muscles in a manner that doesn’t drain them,
but instead, fuels them? 

To begin, we are already set up for success in this sense. Not only is this an innate part of our souls, but award winning author Maya Angelou stated “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” Isn’t that wonderful?! I love reminding myself of this every time I am doubting my creative abilities. 

maya quote

Now, the question becomes:

How do we hone this skill and proactively
develop our creative expertise?

As Maya Angelou so lovingly suggests - we create. We think, we act, we move in new and different ways! 

I know what you’re thinking - different and new is sometimes challenging and uncomfortable. Well, I’m sure we’ve all heard that your comfort zone is the enemy of creativity so, consequently, being vulnerable is part of the overall experience. After all, being innovative and experimental through this mindset will introduce new challenges we must push through and obstacles we must overcome. We’ll remove the deep, dark roots and plant new seeds.

rose quote

So let’s start where the seeds were planted originally...words, colors & music.

Check back in over the next couples of weeks as I delve into these creative expressions and their influence on our lives personally and as a society. Together, we will discover how to expertly develop and improve these skills in order to enhance many aspects of life! 

We will redirect to connect and create!

Till next time, let me hear you rant!

