How To Start Writing?


How to begin writing - what a DAUNTING question! Or, is it?!

Most of us who don’t write regularly might instantly think “Well, I’m not a writer!” or “I can’t write!” or the worst thought - “Why would I write? No one would want to read what I have to say!”

Madness, I tell you!

Writing is a beautiful method for storytelling and a wonderful gift of communication in general.

Therefore, how to begin writing is a great question because everyone writes differently. We each have our own unique processes that help us achieve our writing goals. 

So, depending on what you’re trying to write, your process may look very different from mine overall. However, there is only one way to start writing, and that is to simply BEGIN!

Here are some of my favorite methods to start writing when I am feeling stuck or uninspired to write:

  1. This of the first word that comes to your mind - open up a blank document on your computer and allow your mind to freely flow. Allow the words to come to you that feel right. Remember - this doesn’t have to be for show. It can be just for you! It can be a manner of expression that never has to be seen, shared, shown, or read by anyone else.

  2. Research some writing prompts. Sometimes it helps to have a crazy out of nowhere suggestion given to you to begin writing. Something along the lines of “You’re in a foreign universe and encounter an alien community that is seeking a cure of a supposedly deadly disease. Upon your first encounter with a quarantined alien, you realize that you know this disease as the hiccups.” I just made that up, and can already begin writing a story in my head. “Allow me to introduce you to the most healing cure of all - it is known as peanut butter.” (I always have a spoonful of peanut butter to get rid of my hiccups!)

  3. Take a poll! How I began this journey of delving into the writing and self-publishing process was through my Instagram stories where I asked if this topic would be interesting to my audience! And it was! I find writing to be incredibly thrilling and freeing, and I LOVE having the opportunity to share its beauty and benefits with others, especially during the process of writing and self-publishing a book! It aligns perfectly with my professional and personal goals! What could be a better way to become inspired?!

The more you practice these little activities you will increase your physical writing and improve your writing style! Additionally, the more you ACT on these — the more confident and comfortable you will become in your writing in general! 

Writing can be an incredibly cathartic experience, but it can also just be fun! Don’t forget that part! Like with the alien story, it’s a fun way to explore your imagination and discover the unimaginable!

I personally enjoy both aspects of writing, and I try to enhance both of those aspects each and every time I begin writing! It ensures that my goals for the writing of being genuine, helpful, entertaining, and inspiring are kept at the forefront of my writing inspiration for you, my readers, and supporters! 

Leave a few fun prompts below! Let’s continue to inspire each other to write about new topics from fresh perspectives!

It’s time to write!



If you have had experiences, personal or professional, or if you’re an entrepreneur or creator that can help others and you’re considering writing a book to make the world, or your community, a better place, check this out: Visualize Your Book