How To Set Intentions

Hey friends!

Remember in my last post I wrote about why “How?” is the most creative question? Well, this takes that post to the next level when it comes to setting intentions!

I’m sure we have all been there, we set intentions for the day / week / month / year and a chunk of time goes by without us realizing that we never implemented that intention. This is a universal challenge, but I am here to tell you we can use our creativity to empower our intentions and make them ACTIONABLE!


Intentions are a very helpful element to my monthly / weekly / daily schedule. By incorporating this one reflecting mindset exercise in my life on a monthly basis, I can follow my progress and see my growth and my impact in new ways. I feel more confident, I feel happier, and I am achieving more on a regular basis.

And the best part, this can take less than 10 minutes if you’re in a rush. I recommend taking a little more time, but flexibility in the development phase of this exercise is key to plan, and to maintain, this process.

It may not seem like there is much difference, but in my understanding, there totally is!

When I looked up the word “intention” in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it simply stated that this means “a thing intended.” Very clear and helpful, I know. 

So I decided to google “Top Intentions” and see what came up. 

  • I intend to lead by example.

  • I intend to love unconditionally.

  • I intend to stop taking things personally.

  • I intend to manifest happiness.

  • I intend to see the goodness around me.

These were some of the top examples I received. 

However, while these are all great ideas and positive thoughts, it’s difficult to see them through when kept in this setting. 

The reason that my intentions, which I set every month, have given me confidence and mental strength, while also adding to my feelings of acceptance and success, is because I make my intentions actionable. 

For example, in my new book “The Creativity Gene” I give a few affirmations that are helpful to say to yourself when you’re stuck. 

In regards to maintaining and empowering your “Grit,” I recommend using the phrase “I will not give up on myself.” And while these phrases are helpful for directing your mindset, the more you can apply them towards yourself and your actions on a regular basis, the more helpful and impactful they become. 

This is where the creative question of “How?” comes into play. 

If we begin with the Google examples from above, we can simply rephrase these intentions as questions to get the most out of this exercise. 

“I intend to lead by example” becomes “How do I intend to lead by example?” 


After mentally reflecting on ways that you can lead by example, you can list them out. As these ideas become immediately actionable, you will already begin to feel a sense of improvement. You can envision yourself successfully living that intention, rather than simply leaving it to the universe or worse, allow it to fade from your mindset in general.  

I intend to lead by example:

  • Complimenting one person each day. 

  • Volunteering to help on an extra project. 

  • Making your loved ones breakfast in bed. 

  • Cutting back on eating sweets.

  • Put your phone away in a meeting or at a meal.

  • Starting your morning off with a brisk walk.

How about the example of “I intend to see the goodness around me.” Well, “How will I see the goodness around me?”

  • I intend to see the goodness around me by:

  • Appreciating the blossoming flowers in my neighborhood.

  • Spending a mindful moment while enjoying a hot cup of coffee.

  • Carrying extra dog treats to give to new furry friends.

  • Walking into a bakery and absorbing the fresh bread smell.

In regards to “I will not give up on myself,” this becomes “How will I not give up on myself?” 

Well, when you are aware of your goals - for me I would like to write my blogs more consistently I can actionably plan and strategize the following: 

I will not give up on myself because I will…

  • Write 100 words per day. 

  • Post a blog once a week. 

  • Research 5 new questions about creative growth and sustainability each week.

These intentions are now more than intentions, they are plans! This is now a strategy! This is how you can easily begin to make your dreams work with you!

What are you waiting for?
It’s time to create!
